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Raman Research Institute Library OPAC

Infrared and millimeter waves Volume-5 Part-I/

Infrared and millimeter waves Volume-5 Part-I/ edited by Kenneth J. Button. - New York : Academic Press, 1979-<1986 > - v. <1-6, 8, 10-16 > : ill. ; 23 cm.

Vol. 4-< > edited by K.J. Button, J.C. Wiltse.

Includes bibliographies and indexes.

v. 1. Sources of radiation.--v. 2. Instrumentation.--v. 3. Submillimeter techniques.--v. 4. Millimeter systems.--v. 5. Coherent sources and applications, part 1.--v. 6. Systems and components. --v. 8. Electromagnetic waves in matter, part 1. --v. 10. Millimeter components and techniques, part 2.--v. 11. Millimeter components and techniques, part 3.--v. 12. Electromagnetic waves in matter, part 2.--v. 13. Millimeter components and techniques, part 4.--v. 14. Millimeter components and techniques, part 5.--v. 15. Millimeter components and techniques, part 6.--v. 16. Electromagnetic waves in matter, part 3.

0121477010 (v. 1)


Infrared equipment.
Millimeter wave devices.

TA1570 / .I52

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