"The physical universe: The interface between cosmology, astrophysics and particle physics. Proceedings of the 12th Autumn school of physics Lisbon, Portugal, Oct 1-5, 1990"
BARROW(J D) et al Eds
"The physical universe: The interface between cosmology, astrophysics and particle physics. Proceedings of the 12th Autumn school of physics Lisbon, Portugal, Oct 1-5, 1990" - Berlin Springer 1991 - Hbk. viii p. + 312 - LECTURE NOTES IN PHYSICS 383 .
"The physical universe: The interface between cosmology, astrophysics and particle physics. Proceedings of the 12th Autumn school of physics Lisbon, Portugal, Oct 1-5, 1990" - Berlin Springer 1991 - Hbk. viii p. + 312 - LECTURE NOTES IN PHYSICS 383 .