Raman Research Institute Library OPAC

Raman Research Institute Library OPAC

Planetary nebulae :

Planetary nebulae : their evolution and role in the universe : proceedings of the 209th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held at Canberra, Australia, 19-23 November 2001 / edited by Sun Kwok, Michael Dopita, and Ralph Sutherland. - 1st ed. - San Francisco, Calif. : Published on behalf of IAU by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2003. - xxxiv, 651 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

"Dedicated to Lawrence Hugh Aller (1913-2003)"--[p. v]

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.



Planetary nebulae--Congresses.

QB855.5 / .I67 2001
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