Influence of some bioactive molecules on the structure and phase behavior of lipid-membranes: Thesis submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy /
Sasidharan, Sreeja
Influence of some bioactive molecules on the structure and phase behavior of lipid-membranes: Thesis submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy / Sreeja Sasidharan - Bengaluru; Raman Research Institute, 2020. - xx, 215p. Illustrations; Colour Photographs, Hbk. 30cm.
Influence of some bioactive molecules on the structure and phase behavior of lipid-membranes: Thesis submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy / Sreeja Sasidharan - Bengaluru; Raman Research Institute, 2020. - xx, 215p. Illustrations; Colour Photographs, Hbk. 30cm.